News |
ColorCode 0.8.7 released |
CMake has been added as a build option. Qmake is still available as a build option.
For more details see What's new or visit the screenshots page. Download packages here.
November 20, 2023
ColorCode 0.8.5 released |
This is the first feature complete QT 5 release of ColorCode.
For more details see What's new or visit the screenshots page. Download packages here.
October 18, 2015
ColorCode 0.7 released |
Solver and Timer got their separate threads. The Timer, Game Numbers and Game Lists like highscores, favorites and previous games have been introduced.
For more details see What's new or visit the screenshots page. The packages are in the Download page.
February 16, 2011
ColorCode 0.6 released |
A second game mode (Computer vs. Human), additional settings options as well as a preferences and game settings dialog have been introduced.
For more details see What's new or visit the screenshots page.
February 14, 2010
ColorCode now officially packaged for Debian GNU/Linux |
For a long time Debian user as me this are very exciting news!
Thanks a lot to Filippo Rusconi for his efforts.
Debian Packages
December 12, 2009
ColorCode 0.5.5 released |
New settings and accessibility improvements.
For more details see What's new or visit the screenshots page.
October 31, 2009
ColorCode now has it's dedicated place on the web |
To have a central place to gather all information, documentation and files for the download section,
this new website has been launched.
October 25, 2009
ColorCode 0.5 released |
ColorCode 0.5 has been released. This release introduces a customizable column count.
For more details see What's new or visit the screenshots page.
October 21, 2009
Features |
- Lots of game variants
2 different game modes, customizable color count, column count and pegs of the same color setting
- Scalable game board
for better accessibility you can scale the game board to your needs and may hide the menubar, toolbar and statusbar
- Multiple language support
for now English, German, Czech, French and Hungarian translations are available
- Improved usability
keyboard shortcuts for most of the settings, you may automatically close the rows after the last peg is set to hurry up playing, submit your row by hitting enter etc.
- Built in MasterMind Solver
ColorCode has a rather perfect game solver. It will watch your moves over a whole game session, so you can at any game phase ask the solver for it's guess.